Box office policy

Gasworks Ticketing Policy

The Gasworks Arts Park Ticketing Policy is subject to the  AEIA Code of Practice for the Ticketing of Live Entertainment in Australia.

  1. Booking Information

Patrons can book tickets for events at Gasworks on our website at, by calling the Box Office during business hours at (03) 8606 4200  or in person at the Gasworks administration office.

All bookings must be paid in advance. Phone or web bookings require payment with Visa or Mastercard, and bookings in person may also be paid with cash, cheque or EFTPOS.

Cheque payments promised over the phone must be received in the mail by a date designated by Gasworks or the booking will be canceled and the seats released for general sale.

Gasworks does not accept Diners Club or American Express credit cards.

Group bookings made by organizations can be invoiced upon request.

Events at Gasworks may be Reserve Seating or General Admission please check the event details for more information.

All prices quoted are inclusive of GST and ticketing fees where applicable.Bookings made over the phone will incur an additional fee per transaction.

A confirmation email is sent to all patrons after booking, and it is the patron’s responsibility to check the email and notify Gasworks immediately of any errors. It is strongly advised patrons provide an email address for this purpose.

2. Ticket Collection

No tickets will be mailed out prior to performance. Print at home tickets can be issued prior to the performance and will be scanned before entry.

All bookings will be available for collection from our Foyer box office 45 minutes prior to the ticketed event, unless otherwise advised.

Uncollected tickets will not be re-sold.

Latecomers will be subject to entry as specified by the event producer.

3. Concessions

Gasworks offers concession priced tickets (where available) to:

  • Full Time Students,
  • Children aged 16 and under,
  • Health Care & Pension Card Holders,
  • Seniors Card Holders,
  • Gasworks Membership Card Holders; and
  • MEAA (aka Actors Equity) members.

A valid card must be shown to Box Office for every concession ticket collected.

Gasworks reserves the right to ask patrons to pay the difference for a full priced ticket if a concession card is not presented upon ticket collection.

Wheelchair-accessible seating is available in limited quantity for each performance, and is entitled to receive an additional free companion ticket.

4. Babes-in-arms

The following applies to shows that are not designated as performances specifically for kids:  Children under two years are complimentary when not occupying a seat.

The following applies to events specifically for kids:  Children under one are complimentary when not occupying a seat.

Children who are not occupying a seat must be accompanied by a full paying adult.

Each bearer of the card is entitled to one free House seat to the event they are purchasing a ticket for; staff are advised to use the “Companion” subtype for House seats booked in this fashion.

5. Supervision of Children

All children under the age of 12 must not be left unaccompanied for the duration of any show and must have parental supervision at all times.

6. Access & Companion Card Scheme

Gasworks strives to improve access for all people. Find out more about our access information in full.

Gasworks participates in the Victorian Government’s Companion Card Scheme enabling equal access for patrons who require a companion.

Patrons wishing to use this system must notify Gasworks at the time of booking and bring their card with them when collecting tickets.

Each bearer of the card is entitled to one free House seat to the event they are purchasing a ticket for; staff are advised to use the “Carer” subtype for House seats booked in this fashion.

People with temporary disabilities are NOT eligible for the Companion Card scheme.

More information on the scheme can be found at

7. Refunds

Gasworks offers no refunds on tickets sold except in line with the AEIA code of practice.

These exceptions include:

Where a performance is re-scheduled/cancelled and no viable exchange option is available to the patron.

Where a booking has been made through an error on Gasworks’ behalf; and the patron has notified us prior to the ticketed event.

Where a performance fails to meet the patron’s expectations due to acknowledged false, misleading or deceptive representation regarding the performance.

Refunds will not be provided for patrons who are no longer able to or choose not to attend a ticketed event, or who have been asked to leave the venue with just cause.

All requests for refunds must be presented to the Hospitality & Ticketing Manager, and box office and bookings staff can make this request on behalf of patrons but are unable to negotiate or process refunds on the spot.

8. Exchanges

Gasworks can process an exchange at the request of the patron for a fee of $2.50 a ticket, only when informed prior to the event originally booked.

The fee is waived if the exchange is a result of a Gasworks error or when transferring bookings from a cancelled/re-scheduled event to another performance satisfactory to the booking holder.

Box office and bookings staff are able to process exchanges, but may refer it to the Ticketing Manager if the payment of a fee is in dispute.

9. House Seats

Gasworks staff are entitled to house seats to any show depending on availability with a maximum of 4 Gasworks house seats per performance.

There is an additional limit of 2 per person, per performance.

House seats are booked by Admin staff during business hours and if not collected 10 minutes prior to an event, they will be returned to the box office for sale.

10. Privacy and Patron details

Personal details collected when making a booking are never passed on to any third party, except in marketing reports that do not contain names or direct contact information.

Phone numbers are used for contact in the case of event cancellation or other necessary contact regarding a specific booking.

Patrons are only signed up to the Gasworks mailing list if they give consent at the time of booking. If you wish to unsubscribe or have been subscribed in error, please contact our administration on (03) 8606 4200.

View our privacy policy.

11. Final Disclaimer

Every effort is made to ensure that dates, times, prices and other information are correct at time of printing. All dates, prices and programs are subject to change, amendment, cancellation or postponement without notice. For up-to-date information, please check our website.

Upon being made aware of a change in an event’s details, Gasworks will make every attempt to notify all patrons that have already booked for the event as soon as possible.

More Information

Box Office

t: (03) 8606 4200
