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Nourish & Nurture art, community & spirit at Gasworks Arts Park

Gasworks Arts Park is the beating heart of creativity and culture in the City of Port Phillip and beyond. We nurture and elevate this beloved precinct, ensuring it remains a vibrant and welcoming space to experience the transformative power of the arts.

Every event, every activity at Gasworks Arts Park is a testament to our commitment to make the arts a cherished part of our collective journey.

We can’t do it alone!

Our donors, corporate partners, members and volunteers allow Gasworks Arts Park to continue creating, developing and celebrating art. 

By Supporting Gasworks, you ensure that we continue to curate, support and showcase visual and performing arts, enriching artists and the community.

Together we can fuel creativity, turn dreams into reality and nurture community. 

Gasworks Foundation Inc. (ABN 19 357 102 369) is a philanthropic entity with the purpose to raise, receive, direct, and manage donations to fund projects which have a positive, lasting impact on the Gasworks Arts Park site and surrounding community.

Make a tax-deductible donation today and become part of our compassionate community of supporters. 
All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.


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