Elizabeth Milsom
The natural world is in decline because of consumerism. Elizabeth Milsom’s printmaking with natural mediums reflects her concern that we are losing our connection with the natural world.
Elizabeth makes images that are free to evolve rather than being tightly authored and controlled, working organically, much as nature does. She works with natural dyes, making ink, dye, and pigment artworks on paper, fabric, wool and canvas.
Working in a studio within a park surrounded by native plants and trees her medium is close by. She makes regular walks to collect windfall, to experiment and create the many colours that can be achieved. The colours reflect the character of the area and reveal local stories that connect us to the land.
Last year as artist in residence at Poets Grove Family and Children’s Centre, Elwood, Elizabeth showed the children the wonderful possibilities of working with plants, vegetables and leaves.
Elizabeth has been a practicing artist for over 35 years; she exhibits regularly and facilitates art classes and workshops in the City of Port Phillip near Melbourne, Australia.